
This isn't the main page of this application !

Browser Compatibility

It is recommended to use this app on a desktop/laptop instead of on mobile.

The app has been tested on recent versions of Google Chrome, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is not fully compatible. Since this is a client-side app (It is run entirely by your browser, no data is sent back the server for processing !), some essential functions may not work if your browser hasn't been updated for a long while, or your device places many restrictions on it. Javascript must be enabled for this site.

This site does not use any cookies.

PWA : This app can work offline, using the features of Progressive Web Apps  . Click the 'Try Offline' button in the footer to cache the resources to do so (this will only take around 3 MB of space). If your browser supports these features, it will show you an option to install this website as a native application on your system ! On mobile, you can equivalently save it to the Home Screen.
Note : On desktop, PWAs may not be fully supported in browsers other than recent versions of Chrome, Edge & Safari. Even without the installable app, you will be able to use the website without an internet connection. You can clear the cached website from your browser settings if you wish to do so.

Miscellaneous notes

In Minecraft

  1. Import and apply the behaviour pack to your world(s).
    Note : Cheats & Operator permissions must be enabled to use functions. If you want to earn achievements in that world or keep cheats off, you'll have to place the blocks manually (You can look at the Survival Guide for some help).
  2. Go to the location where the image is to be built, and open a Level 0 (smallest size) map there. Check that the starting block you choose is aligned with the top-left (NW) corner of the map !
    This block will be the top left (North-West) corner of the entire image (see the green marker in the figure below), which will extend South and East from here.
    Height-wise, it will be built at the block in which you are standing (2D), or for the 3D palette, extending from this height till [specified height range] blocks upwards (Also check that this doesn't cross the world build height!).
  3. If your image covers an area of axb maps, there will be 2 * a * b commands to be executed in order, numbered image_name/1, image_name/2, ... so on. Each of these builds a part of the image, covering a vertical half of one map, arranged in order as illustrated in the figure alongside.
    • By default, running each function will teleport you (the nearest player) to the corner of the next zone (marked by small black squares in the figure) after it executes, so that you "move along" as you're running the functions one-by-one. A glowstone block may also be placed there to identify the corner - you must be standing exactly on top of it before continuing with the next one.
    • If 'Use same starting coordinates' was enabled during pack creation, you will not be teleported and must run all the commands while staying at this same corner only (top-left of the whole image).
    Example layout diagram
    Example arrangement for an art covering 2x2 maps.
  4. The syntax of the function command is /function image_name/number.
    For example, if your image's name was wallpaper, and its size was 2x1 maps, you would need to run the commands
    /function wallpaper/1
    /function wallpaper/2
    /function wallpaper/3
    /function wallpaper/4

    Note : You may need to restart Minecraft and then run the /reload command first, in case they don't appear in the commands screen or minecraft hasn't recognised the functions
  5. You're Done !

    Once you've constructed the image, map the entire area covered by it and build a map wall for your pixel art !
    It's also a good idea to lock the maps with glass panes to prevent them from updating if some other structures are built above them, or if the colour palette changes in future updates.

    Note : If you see that many blocks are missing, especially in a zig-zag like pattern along chunk borders near the bottom half of each zone (see Issue#5 on GitHub), it is probably due to your simulation distance being too low. You can try the following fixes :

    • Ensure that the 'Use same starting coordinates' option is disabled. Re-generate the add on if you had used it.
    • Increase your simulation distance further (at least equal to or more than 10 chunks). Although the upper limit allowed by Minecraft is device-depenedent.
    • Ask a friend or other player to join your world and stand near that opposite corner to keep those chunks loaded while you run the commands
    • If the 'Use only structures' command option in the addon generator options wasn't checked, enable it and try again. You may need to move around the map to bring all chunks briefly into simulation distance for the structure to complete loading.

Example behaviour pack

This is the file structure of an example behaviour pack generated by this app. It contains 2 images - one with the function name "cliff" of size 2x1, and another named "bastion" of size 3x2. You can run the commands as described above to build these images.

  behaviour pack.mcpack
   ├─ manifest.json
   ├─ pack_icon.png
   ├─ structures/
   │    └─ mapart/
   │         └   ...
   └─ functions/
        ├─ cliff/
        │    ├─ 1.mcfunction
        │    ├─ 2.mcfunction
        │    ├─ 3.mcfunction 
        │    └─ 4.mcfunction
        └─ bastion/
             ├─ 1.mcfunction
             ├─ 2.mcfunction
             ├     ...
             └─ 12.mcfunction

The pack contains some structures (with block data) of a few blocks that may decay or need support (non-solid blocks) etc - these structures are used instead of the setblock command to overcome those limitations. Every pack will contain these even if they are not used in any image(s).

To view/edit/replace the files inside, just rename the .mcpack extension to .zip and extract all contents using any Compressed (ZIP) folder utility.

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