How this app works

Map Art Maker for Minecraft pixelates and reduces the colour palette of your uploaded image to one that can be shown in Minecraft maps using vanilla blocks. It then identifies the coordinates and exact blocks to place in your world for each pixel, so that a map of the area will display the final image !

This web app is open source ! It is not officially associated with Minecraft or Mojang.

Other technical explanation, and an example add-on for download, can be found here.

Upload Images

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Create the Add-On

Enter a name and an optional description for your behaviour pack (These will be displayed in Minecraft) :
Some additional settings - the default values are recommended
If the download button doesn't work, try this link for small packs.
  The pack is a zip file with a '.mcpack' extension. If Minecraft is already installed, just double click it to launch the game and import it on PC, or read the installation steps for your device.
Apply it to your world (cheats must be enabled) and run each of the functions - there will be 2 to 32 for each image depending on the selected area. Read this info page for more detailed instructions.

Survival Guide

If you want to take up the challenge of building the map art by yourself without using commands, this section can help by showing you block-by-block placement of the processed images !
The options to generate these will appear here after processing an image.